Welcome to
The Faith Leader Directory

Find Your Faith Leaders, Find Your Community

Have a trusted faith leader

Maybe the pandemic taught you that you are not in control of everything. There will come a hard day when you want a faith leader, probably temporarily. Find that person today and have peace about tomorrow.

Be part of one kind humanity

How can you be part of building the world that should be? Start small then grow. Be part of something bigger than yourself, be a part of the positive web of all humankind.

Have a community

Be part of a faith (or non-faith) community. Find people who support you on your personal spiritual journey, who will help you find your own, healthiest truth and affirm you as you change and grow.

Be a trusted faith leader

The world has changed since you said yes to serving. Now to serve locally you need to be knowable where they're looking for you online. (On a church website isn't where.)

You don’t have to go through your life struggles alone.

Chaplains and other faith leaders can provide inclusive, open-minded pastoral care and emotional support. 

And, faith leaders, we know this is new to you. We've got you covered.

free 30-minute consultation or demonstration.

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